Saturday 30 July 2011

The last but not last summer holiday

So in a way, this is my last summer holiday as I know them. For me, summer holidays were two months of arsing about with friends, wanting them to last forever before going to that little clothes shop that doesnt actually have any decent clothes in it and the only reason it is open is because they have a stash of school uniforms upstairs. I'd have to listen to my mum complain about how expensive uniforms are and that she'd rather be spending the money on something else and generally making me feel like a giant waste of the world's time. She would only end up spending all the money on wine anyway. Now, i have until mid-september until i have to have bought things like, pots, pans, plates, bed sheets and cutlery. I also have this strange anxiety about my exam results, never before had they been so important to me. I don't care about getting A's or doing better than friends, my only concern is getting the two C's I need to get into university. The worst thing is not knowing how I'm going to do at all, everyone found the exams hard and for some of our further maths ones all seven of us came out of the hall with faces the same colour as our school-shirts. There is papers that I know I didnt get very many marks in, I can specifically remember missing out entire questions because I couldn't even fathom how to start them. However, there is that hope of my mark being put up becauce everyone else did terrible aswell.
 So far, since the end of June, I've mostly been hanging out with rachel, We've been mostly watching films, going to the cinema and generally arsing about but over the past couple of weeks, pre-season training has kicked off at the limavady rugby club and I've realised that I need to get fit and lose some weight. Coincidentally, a guy down at the TA centre gave me a voucher for some supplements from Sci-MX and I thought, "what the hell" and decided to buy a kilo tub of whey protein which I am now taking between meals and after exercise. I've immediately noticed a difference too. I now don't get hungry at all between meals and I would now only need about two a day. My appetite has gone down overall and in the last week I've lost 5Kg. I'm also exercising about 5-6 days a week, including two rugby sessions a week and It's really paying off. I'm hoping to be a lot fitter for when I go to university and start playing rugby there and hopefully get myself on a decent wee team and get good at the sport. :)

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