Thursday 7 April 2011

Hopefully it helps

My name's Alex but after someone randomly decided I was called Lexy just before I started secondary school, it stuck and I am now widely known as Lexy. I'm normally quite a cheery, positive person and despite being 18, I still enjoy climbing trees, going to the park during the summer, building with lego and generally acting like a big kid.
 After spending my first few years of school not fitting in, mostly because I'm english living in Northern Ireland and a little bit big, it took me a while to really get on my feet socially but I now have a group of close friends and we have some pretty good fun together. Despite not being very fit, I am an active person and I enjoy all sports, more recently rugby. After only starting properly September past I ended the school season starting for the 2nd XV and have started senior rugby the past week and I now also start for the Limavady 2nd XV.
  If all goes well in my A-levels I'm hopefully going to City University in London to study Aeronautical engineering. I have a massive interest in planes and love finding out new things about them. I'm mostly looking forward to the social side of Uni, can't wait to start going out at weekends in London and hopefully play rugby for the University.
  I've not had a very good past couple of months, and this is very unusual for me because I'm quite a positive person who often says "It'll be grand!" so I've decided to start blogging and hopefully writing about everything getting in the way of me being a silly happy idiot can go on the internet.and not on my mind.
 The past week I've been mostly worried about affording university, I am entitled to a loan of about £6700 a year but my accommodation alone is going to cost over £7000. My parents haven't saved a penny in the 18 years I've been here despite having stable long-term jobs for the last 25 years so I'm scared about where I'm going to get the money to live, never mind enjoying my chance to live on my own as a 'young buck'.
 Hopefully these blogs can help me relax and release my problems and there should be more to come. :)

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